is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of
-Albert Einstein
My research will
be circling around the U.S. War Crimes. During Vietnam War, many “slaughtering”
style missions had been authorized for unjust purpose such as body count. To
achieve the number, they would kill anyone. By “anyone” I meant not only the targeted
VC but also unharmed civilians (young to old men, women, children, and even
infants). One of the vivid examples is the My Lai massacre, 1968. The order was
“Kill anything that moves” and “Search and Destroy”. And with that permission,
bullets were blindly fired.
Besides massive
murder, other committed crimes are rapes and body mutilation. Even though in
the 1970s, interviews and investigations had been opened but nothing leased
until 2005. The higher-up covered them all: “A massive 9 thousand pages of
evidence implicating U.S. troops in a wide range of atrocities…the Pentagon
kept the entire collection under wraps” (Nelson pg. 2).
The U.S. goal of
going to VN war is to assist Democracy and prevent the spread of Communism in
VN. They came to help Vietnamese people, to liberate the country from the North
communists. But what was that with all the gruel slaughter on unharmed
civilians? I see a huge contradiction between the U.S.’s intention and their
act. Therefore in my paper, I want to criticize the U.S. perceptions about VN.
The fact that they came to VN without knowing VN culture and history lead to
false assumptions, misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
Here is the
outline of my paper:
First I will introduce My Lai massacre as a case
study to point out the U.S. war crimes (rape, murder)
Then criticize some perceptions about Vietnamese
and VC from the U.S. soldier’s perspective.
Analyze some factors contributing to the birth
of those perceptions/ stereotypes and what could have been done to prevent this
- Books (case studies and interview
- Journals
- Oral interview clips.
Karlin, Wayne. Wandering Souls: Journeys with the Dead
and the Living in Viet Nam. New York: Nation, 2009. Print.
Nelson, Deborah. The War behind Me: Vietnam Veterans Confront
the Truth about U.S. War Crimes. New York: Basic, 2008. Print.
Sherman, Nancy. The Untold War: Inside the Hearts, Minds,
and Souls of Our Soldiers. New York: W. W. Norton, 2010. Print.
Carbonella, August. "Structures of Fear, Spaces of
Hope." Anthropologica 51.2 (2009): 353-61. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Kieran, David. "‘It’s a Different Time. It’s a
Different Era. It’s a Different Place’: The Legacy of Vietnam and Contemporary
Memoirs of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan." War & Society
31.1 (2012): 64-83. Web. 22 April 2013.
Jespersen, Christopher T. "Analogies at War: Iraq and
Vietnam." OAH Magazine of History
27.1 (2013): 19-22. America: History & Life. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Flamm, Michael W. "From Testimony to Tragedy: My Lai in
Personal Perspective." OAH Magazine
of History 22.4 (2008): 54-57. America: History & Life. Web. 22
Apr. 2013.
Harrison, Benjamin T., and Christopher L. Mosher. "The
Secret Diary of McNamara's Dove: The Long-Lost Story of John T. McNaughton's
Opposition to the Vietnam War." Diplomatic History 35.3 (2011):
505-34. America: History & Life. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
Platoon. Dir. Oliver Stone. Perf. Charlie Sheen and
Willem Dafoe. Orion Pictures, 1986. DVD.
In the Year of the Pig. Dir. Emile De Antonio. Perf.
Harry S. Ashmore and Daniel Berrigan. McGraw-Hill Films, 1968. DVD.