Friday, February 10, 2017

Jonathan Khuu - Week 6 Blog Post

In Transnationalizing Viet Nam, Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde explores the complex relations of a diasporic community.  The reading touches upon the complex political, social, and familial allegiances and beliefs that shape a domestic community and the country of Vietnam.  

Valverde explored the Vietnamese community formation processes.vvShe examined Vietnamese popular culture, social transformations, Vietnamese-language news media, and anticommunist politics. She provides examples of divergent perspectives across generations and socio-economic standing.  Showing that identity formation in the Vietnamese diaspora is complex and tied to anticommunist thought in the Vietnamese population in the United States.  

Additionally, Valverde sheds light on the personal lives of Vietnamese Americans and their efforts to establish transnational connections with those in the homeland at the same time that they try to rebuild and make sense of their new identities in the U.S. context. In the context of Madison Nguyen in San Jose.  Her election and actions sparked outrage among the Vietnamese community.  It tested the political fractures of the Vietnamese diaspora.  The fragility of beliefs and the power it has to divide people within a community.  Nguyen’s election showed the fractures and division of a diaspora community in the sense the sense that many felt that Nguyen’s acceptance of “Little Saigon” as a descriptor of a predominately Vietnamese neighborhood was supporting communism.  Even going so far as relating Nguyen’s family allegiance to communism.  

In current events, the fractures and divisions among a community are shown quite predominantly in the politics of the United States.  There are countless occasions, such as pro-life vs pro-choice, for vs against the immigration ban, where the division in thought and beliefs further divided a community.  

Questions:  What can we do to incorporate differing views and beliefs in a  community?   Do you think the name “little saigon” was offensive?

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