Friday, March 6, 2020

Week10_Anson Saechao_ASA150E

I first thought that this course would give me a deeper insight to what I already knew and could help me further expand my own identity as a Southeast Asian. In that sense, I immediately judged it to be a survey course. However, I’ve come to learn that it was more than these preconceived notions. It gave me a larger sense of perspective on the Viet Nam War and other ties that are closely related. Beyond looking at the history, it’s played a pivotal role in how the current Southeast Asia is today. I’ve gained insight in the sense that I am now able to see the crucial roles and experiences that large amounts of people across the different diasporas now play within these past wars. An example of this learning was through the exhibit project in which I learned about something completely novel that affected my community but had no idea about. I was able to put through a creative art piece in which I would never have done before. For that, I am glad to have been a part of this course and its teachings and can now spread information learned from it throughout my own communities and networks.

Question: What can I do now to move forward with this new knowledge and information pertaining to the Viet Nam War and its atrocities? What am I able to do for my own community as a descent of Southeast Asian refugees and personally share all the other narratives beyond what is told through this westernized retelling of our stories?

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