Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week8_Anson Saechao_ASA150E

Biochemical warfare has been one of the most intensive and not only human harming but environmentally harming things that war has brought upon the world. The use of Agent Orange still has large impacts today to those who are many, many generations beyond the first interaction. The children born are still of many birth defects and need special care. The trees, vegetation, and life will never be restored to its fertile quality. This was the realization in which this type of warfare was not only dangerous for the people involved but seeing how the impact and legacy that it has imprinted upon the people and life will always remain there. We have to put further into recognition the amount of dangers that pose this type of fight. There are even secret uses of biochemical warfare such as the “Yellow Rain” in which we need to be wary of because most governmental records will never show the truth. To find what happens to our society then and now is the main issue of how it impacts our Southeast Asian community. Recognizing and establishing that this is not good and that it harmful is what is needed to be established to show that we are still here even through this harsh treatment.

Question: What type of biochemical warfare is there today that is done secretly and what can we do to prevent and stop these types of things from happening again?

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