Sunday, March 8, 2020


Over the past 10 weeks, I learned a good amount of hxstories that I wouldn’t have known prior to taking this class, due to the lack of transparency and coverage in popular discourses surrounding Vietnam. I feel as if I have a better understanding of the counter narratives that exist, again, that I wouldn’t have known otherwise. I thoroughly enjoyed some of the conversations I had with my peers to the left, right, and in front of me as we sort of broke down a lot of the discussion questions and got to know more about how each other thinks and operates. Most of the readings presented throughout the course were pretty dense and lengthy, but did serve a much larger purpose throughout the length of the course. 
    One of my biggest takeaways was reshaping the view from Vietnam as a war torn country to subjects of colonialism and imperialism. I would have personally never thought of that way, considering most of the narratives from popular discourses indicate that they were simply subjects of war, but viewing it from a colonial perspective allowed me to see that there were more opportunities of exploitation: whether it be through hiding war narratives or dismantling a way of life that once existed.

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