Saturday, February 29, 2020

Week9_Anson Saechao_ASA150E

This idea of remembrance and memory was one of the main topics in which I had to ponder after discussing about it in class once. At first, it was used as a way to “never forget” and to acknowledge that our histories were persistent in the overall Southeast Asian narrative. However, these readings have indicated the impactful ways in which to further reflect on the experiences that Southeast Asians (and others who were involved).

The use of the story cloth is one of the more direct and visual ways in which the Hmong folks have kept their tragic history together through this physical living artifact. Again, it was used to emphasize the diaspora in which Hmong people are now displaced and being able to use it as a map to further distinguish this Westernized concept of what a map should be has become a symbol of what remembering can be now. Using this as an example, we have to critically discuss and think about the war and how what its role is now within the community. Being able to discuss and further break it down into what has been done to Southeast Asians then and Southeast Asians now. Further diving into this perspective of deeper cognitive recognition, then the community is able to seek more than what has already been established in the past.

Question: What are different ways in which shaping the history of Southeast Asia can be revitalized and claimed back to Southeast Asians and to be recognized further?

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